Rebuilding lives
outside of prison

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Apart Impact Hub
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In a country leading the world in incarcerating women, meet three mothers fighting to rebuild their lives.

Georgia Justice Project
Georgia Justice Project strengthens our community by demonstrating a better way to represent and support individuals in the criminal justice system and reduce barriers to reentry.

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A documentary short from FRONTLINE and The Marshall Project, Tutwiler offers a powerful and unforgettable window into the lives of incarcerated pregnant women – and what happens to their newborns.

45 Days in a Texas Jail
A Texas jurisdiction’s “cite and release” program gives the police the option to issue a citation instead of making an arrest, but officers rarely issue these citations.

Motherhood Beyond Bars
Motherhood Beyond Bars provides support for infants born to incarcerated women and works to reunify families.

RestoreHER US.America
RestoreHER US.America Inc (RestoreHER) is a policy advocacy reentry organization led by and for justice-involved women of color, based in Georgia.

Reforming Arts
Reforming Arts helps those under carceral control in Georgia explore creative solutions and build livable lives.

Nearly six million kids in America have experienced losing a parent to prison or jail at some point in their lives. Foreverfamily works to ensure that, no matter what the circumstances, all children have the opportunity to be surrounded by the love of family.

Women on the Rise GA
Women on the Rise works to educate, heal, and empower ourselves, one another and our communities to demand justice, dignity, and liberation for all.

Support Georgia Public Broadcasting
Your donation to Georgia Public Broadcasting powers public media on television, radio, online and in your community.

Deadly Jails
Like many states, Oklahoma has no mechanisms in place for handling or treating incarcerated people with mental illness. This investigative short looks at how advocacy organizations like the Mental Health Association of Oklahoma are trying to change the way these counties handle urgent mental health situations.

Women and Mass Incarceration
2 out of 3 women incarcerated in the U.S. are non-violent offenders. Professor Goodwin insight on the war on crime and criminal justice reform.

Children of Incarcerated Parents: A Shared Sentence
A Shared Sentence offers commonsense proposals to address the increased poverty and stress that children of incarcerated parents experience.

To the Earth and Back
Inspired by interviews with both formerly and currently incarcerated women, this work of creative fiction was crafted based on the experiences of women who were separated from their children directly after birth.

Everywhere and Nowhere: Compassionate Release in the States
A comprehensive, state-by-state report on the early-release programs available to prisoners struggling with certain extraordinary circumstances, such as a terminal or age-related illness.

Support the work of these organizations in Georgia: