Calling Out Cannes Lions: It’s Time for Action, Not Just Ads

Picture of Plus Media Solutions
Plus Media Solutions
climate, climate change, Purpose-driven Marketing
July 17, 2024 2:28:43 PM EDT

The air buzzed with anticipation as I entered Cannes Lions 2024, surrounded by the titans of advertising. Having been warned to wear comfortable shoes (thank you, Stephanie), but with little other guidance, I found myself in a deep moshpit of repetition, celebration and rose. 

But amidst the glamorous displays and self-congratulatory speeches, a disturbing truth lurked beneath the surface: the industry's commitment to sustainability and accountability remained largely performative.

Yes, I met hundreds of interesting people. Yes, I heard from insightful panelists. Nonetheless, back at my desk, I’m reflecting on the missed opportunity of Cannes Lions. 

For four days, the titans of advertising, content and tech gathered in one place. These are the entities that rule our lives. They tell us what to watch, what to buy and often what to think. 

Given the enormous global leverage that comes with effectively bottomless coffers, and given the world’s list of dire calamities that need addressing, I can’t help but wonder if Cannes Lions has been one of the largest missed opportunities of our time.

The Missing Link between Sustainability, Accountability and Profit  

Industry giants at Cannes Lions extol their shift towards sustainability and accountability. But if the amount of plastic in use at CL24 was any indication, this move remains more lip service than concrete action.

Beyond plastic use, I’m disappointed that Cannes Lions conversations still fail to recognize the clear links between sustainability, accountability and profit. Consumers demonstrate time and again their willingness to pay for sustainable products. This consumer demand culminates in a $44 billion sustainability prize for brands who get this right. 

It’s Time to Break the Mold  

Creativity and innovation are lauded at Cannes Lions — within a conservative framework.  However, new ways of thinking about sustainability and positive social change are imperative for future business success. 

How are these risk-averse brands, agencies and content creators integrating and measuring sustainability and positive change opportunities? Why are they avoiding what consumers clearly want? Data-driven insights show the value of engagement for both brands and consumers.

Measuring Impact: Overcoming the Hurdles

The industry is awash with anxieties about measuring impact. Brands, agencies, and content creators fret over quantifying the results of their sustainability campaigns, often hesitant to even begin the process. Yet, this fear is a missed opportunity. Impact measurement is not just a box to be checked; it's a powerful tool that can unlock valuable insights, enhance campaign effectiveness, and even drive greater social and environmental change.

Countless measurement frameworks exist, but the real power lies in accessing actionable data – the kind that reveals consumer behavior at the point of sale, audience engagement at the moment of inspiration, or attendee interest on the ground. 

By embracing impact measurement, companies can move beyond vague assumptions and uncover the true impact of their efforts. This knowledge can then be leveraged to refine strategies, optimize campaigns, and ultimately, create more meaningful change.

The real threats – declining revenue, the devastating consequences of climate change, and losing ground to more forward-thinking competitors – can be mitigated through a combination of creative sustainability messaging and robust impact measurement. 

By embracing transparency and accountability, companies can not only alleviate their anxieties but also unlock new opportunities for growth and positive change.

Bridging the Gap Between Talk and Action

Cannes Lions will undoubtedly continue, but the question remains: will the industry heed the call for genuine action? 

As industries and global citizens, we are at a crucial juncture. The tools exist to bridge the gap between inspiration and impact. +Media, which enables brands to engage consumers with relevant information and measure concrete behavioral impact, offers a tangible path forward.

The data is clear, the consumer demand is undeniable, and the solutions are within reach. The choice, ultimately, is ours.

Let's not let fear hold us back from embracing a future where creativity, sustainability, and accountability go hand in hand. The future of our planet and our industry depends on it.