Game On: Leveraging Gaming for Climate Action

Picture of Plus Media Solutions
Plus Media Solutions
social impact, impact, Purpose-driven Marketing
July 15, 2024 4:47:12 PM EDT

Imagine if your favorite game could help save the planet.

As gaming continues to captivate millions worldwide, its potential to drive social and environmental impact is immense. Recent research on ‘geeks versus climate change’ published in the Climatic Change journal highlights gamers' willingness to take action on global issues.

At +Media Solutions, we believe in leveraging this powerful medium to activate and measure real-world change. Read on to explore how gaming can be a force for good and how +Media can help you tap into this dynamic community.

Don't Just Nudge, Empower

Our latest article, "Don't Just Nudge, Empower: A New Model for Sustainable Consumer Behavior," explores innovative strategies for fostering long-term sustainable habits among consumers. It emphasizes the importance of empowering individuals through engaging and interactive mediums — like gaming. By understanding and leveraging the behavioral tendencies of gamers, we can create compelling experiences that inspire action and drive real-world impact.

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